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WHO Collaborating Centre​

The World Health Organization (WHO) performs the role of a Collaborating Center and Tuberculosis Supranational Reference Laboratory

The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis is striving as a WHO collaborating Centre to combat tuberculosis domestically and globally.​

We were designated as a WHO TB Supranational Reference Laboratory (WHO TB SRL) in 1994 and appointed as a WHO Collaborating Centre in 1995. We fulfill roles in tuberculosis research, education, training, and reference laboratory services, contributing to tuberculosis eradication efforts domestically and globally in alignment with WHO's initiatives.​

1995년 WHO 협력기관 지정 기념 현판식 사진
From left: H. Mehta from WHO Representative Office in Korea, President Yu Seong-hee of the Korean Medical Association, President Han Yong-cheol of the Korean National Tuberculosis Association, Han Sang-tae, Regional Director of WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, Kim Gi-ho, former president of the Korean National Tuberculosis Association , Director Hong Young-pyo of the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis ​
1995년 WHO 협력기관 지정 기념 현판식 사진
Collaboration Agreements with Timor Leste​
1995년 WHO 협력기관 지정 기념 현판식 사진
Collaboration Agreements with Lao PDR​

Key Activities

  • Education, Training, and Technical Support

    • We offer education and support for tuberculosis diagnosis and latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis for high-burden tuberculosis countries.​
    • (2015) We invited two officials from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Laos and provided training on advanced tuberculosis diagnosis techniques, including rapid molecular testing (PCR, LPA, Xpert) and AFB culture using the MGIT system, preparation of culture and DST media, and practical training on DST. This aimed to enhance the diagnostic capabilities of the laboratory.​
    • (2016 / 2017) We invited two officials from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Laos to provide theoretical and practical training on basic and advanced tuberculosis testing. This include instruction sputum smear microscopy, culture quality control, acid-fast bacilli drug susceptibility testing quality control, as well as visits to observe the medium preparation system.
    • (2018 / 2019) We invited two officials from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Laos to provide training sessions focused on quality control for tuberculosis molecular diagnostics. Additionally, we provided opportunities for them to visit facilities involved in the production of tuberculosis molecular diagnostic kits and to observe the implementation of GeneXpert technology.​
    • (2019) Invited two officials from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Laos to conduct training for enhancing tuberculosis diagnostic testing capabilities and discussed national tuberculosis management strategies by visiting Mokpo National Hospital and the National Central Human Resources Bank of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.​
    • (2020 / 2021) Provided online technical support for Laos due to the COVID-19 pandemic.​
    • (2022 / 2023) Resumed training for enhancing tuberculosis diagnostic testing capabilities by inviting four officials from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Laos​
  • Survey research and On-site Tuberculosis Diagnostic Technical Support

    • We support Survey research and on-site visits to provide technical assistance in the field of tuberculosis diagnosis for high-burden tuberculosis countries.​
    • (2014) Two officials from the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis visited the National Tuberculosis Laboratory in Laos to provide technical support, including laboratory inspections, equipment inspections, and drug resistance surveys.​
    • (2015 / 2017) Two officials from the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis visited the National Tuberculosis Laboratory in Laos to provide technical support, including molecular testing status surveys and drug resistance surveys, and conducted quality control.​
    • (2017년) The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis began providing technical support in the areas of tuberculosis diagnosis, research, and education and training to the National Tuberculosis Laboratory in Timor-Leste as the 'WHO Supranational Reference Laboratory (WHO TB SRL)' from 2017 onwards.​
    • (2018년) Two officials from the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis visited the National Tuberculosis Laboratory in Laos to provide technical support for tuberculosis bacteriological testing and support for tuberculosis management in the region.​
  • Technical Support for Tuberculosis Management and Training

    • We provide technical support, conduct national tuberculosis surveys, and advise on national tuberculosis management for the National Tuberculosis Laboratories in Laos and Timor-Leste
    • (2007) The WHO Western Pacific Regional Office requested a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis management and tuberculosis bacterial testing training course, which was conducted in Seoul. Discussions were held on the status and management of MDR-TB, as well as various topics related to efficient management
    • (From 2011) Training was provided to 67 tuberculosis bacterial testing program managers from seven countries (Cambodia, China, Laos, Mongolia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Vietnam) known to have a serious tuberculosis health problem in the WHO Western Pacific Region. This greatly contributed to the qualitative improvement of tuberculosis bacterial testing programs in these countries.
    • Laos adopted the directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) recommended by the WHO in 1995, implemented nationwide since 2005 with financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and technical support from the WHO and other international organizations. As a new tuberculosis management strategy was implemented, Laos decided to investigate the tuberculosis prevalence to assess its impact on the tuberculosis situation. Therefore, in November 2007, the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis, in collaboration with the WHO, provided technical support and participated in the development of plans and guidelines for conducting the tuberculosis prevalence survey in Laos.
  • EQA Program

    • We operate an External Quality Assurance (EQA) program for the National Tuberculosis Laboratories in Laos
    • As the 'WHO Supranational Reference Laboratory (WHO TB SRL),' the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis is responsible for providing technical support and quality control for the tuberculosis laboratories in Laos and Timor-Leste. We provide tuberculosis testing quality control materials annually and manage the quality control program
  • Workshop

    • We host educational workshops for the WHO Western Pacific Region.
    • In 2007, the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis hosted the Guidelines Development Meeting (International Workshop on Prevalence of Tuberculosis), which led to the publication of the guidelines 'Assessing Tuberculosis Prevalence Through Population-based Surveys' by the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office in the same year, making it accessible not only to the Western Pacific region but also globally.
    • In 2012, 2013, and 2015, WPRO workshops on microscopy techniques, principles and use of Xpert, and education on culture and DST were conducted by the the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis with 14 participants from Cambodia and seven other countries.
    • In 2017, the WPRO Tuberculosis Policy Workshop was conducted with participation from six countries (China, Cambodia, Mongolia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam) where national tuberculosis program managers shared their experiences on social protection and healthcare update provision, acquisition of universal healthcare coverage and provision of social protection for tuberculosis management and prevention.
    • In 2018, the WPRO Tuberculosis Policy Workshop was hosted by the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis with participation from program managers and key personnel from seven countries (China, Cambodia, Mongolia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Vietnam). Discussions included reviewing the status of community participation from non-governmental organizations and civil society in tuberculosis management and prevention, identifying key challenges for activating community participation, sharing experiences from each country, and discussing better national support for forming regional networks for tuberculosis-related communities.

In 2023, a joint workshop was held by WHO/WPRO/The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis

Participating countries: WHO, WPRO, Cambodia, China, Laos, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc

참가국 국기 이미지
  • -Updating guidelines for tuberculosis prevention, treatment, infection control, and screening.
  • Sharing national experiences and best practices regarding tuberculosis prevention, treatment, infection management, and diagnosis.
  • Exploring innovative technologies, including digital solutions, to address challenges in tuberculosis prevention, treatment, infection management, and screening.
  • Developing country-specific action plans to strengthen and expand tuberculosis prevention, treatment, infection management, and screening as part of Primary Healthcare (PHC) initiatives.
워크샵 출발 전의 기념사진
워크샵 기념사진

International Tuberculosis Management Training

The International Tuberculosis Management Training program was conducted from 1996 to 2013, training a total of 352 participants from 45 countries. The training content adhered to international standard tuberculosis patient management guidelines, covering topics such as tuberculosis microbiology, diagnosis and treatment, national tuberculosis control programs, tuberculosis and AIDS, PPM-DOTS, tuberculosis surveillance, and more. The program included theoretical lectures as well as practical training sessions on activities such as laboratory-based tuberculosis testing and tuberculin skin testing.

Since 2012, in collaboration with the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), the institute has conducted tuberculosis diagnosis theory and practical training for officials from countries such as the Philippines, Ghana, Myanmar, and Uganda. Additionally, the institute independently conducts tuberculosis education programs for countries including Vietnam, China, Laos, and East Timor

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    In 2016, with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency, the Tuberculosis Research Institute established the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Timor-Leste. (History of the Korean National Tuberculosis Association)
