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Quality Assurance Program for External Quality Control Material Production and Education

We manufacture and provide education for quality control materials for tuberculosis diagnostic tests conducted by both private and public sectors.​

Quality Assurance Program for External Quality Control Material Production and Education

Conducting quality control material manufacturing for tuberculosis diagnostic tests under the supervision of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA)​

  • From 2011 to 2019, we conducted quality control operations encompassing both public and private sectors as part of the KDCA's tuberculosis diagnostic test quality control project. From 2020 to the present, we have been focusing on public sector quality control operations.​
  • Clinical Microbiology Field (Smear, Culture, Strain Identification, PCR, Rapid Drug Susceptibility Testing, Drug Susceptibility Testing, NTM Drug Susceptibility)​
  • Diagnostic Immunology Field (IGRA)​

Performing commissioned research projects for the development of Non-commercial Quality Control Materials for the Korean Association of Quality Assurance for Diagnostic Testing​

  • From 2020 to 2023, conducting quality control material manufacturing for Private Institution Proficiency Testing Program
  • Clinical Microbiology Field (Smear, Culture, Strain Identification, PCR, Rapid Drug Susceptibility Testing, Drug Susceptibility Testing, NTM Drug Susceptibility)​
  • Diagnostic Immunology Field (IGRA)​

Holding ‘Tuberculosis Diagnostic Testing Personnel Capacity Enhancement Workshop’ organized by the KDCA​

Annual enhancement of tuberculosis diagnostic test performance and skills of tuberculosis test practitioners through lectures on the understanding of national tuberculosis management programs and the latest information on tuberculosis diagnostic tests, as well as practical training on acid-fast bacilli smear and culture tests​

