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International Cooperation Project​

We collaborate with international Official Development Assistance (ODA) agencies to support high-risk tuberculosis countries​

International Cooperation Project​

We are conducting support projects for high-burden tuberculosis countries in collaboration with domestic and international organizations such as the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Research Institute of Tuberculosis in Japan.​

Main activity

  • Consult

    • We provide training programs for international tuberculosis management (KOICA) and consulting services for strengthening Uganda's national tuberculosis management capacity (KOFIH).​
    • (1996) With support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the International Tuberculosis Management Nurse Training Program was established at the Tuberculosis Research Institute. Eighteen participants from eight countries visited Korea to receive training on national tuberculosis management, tuberculin skin tests, and more.​
    • (2012) In collaboration with WPRO, the Tuberculosis Research Institute provided technical support for the tuberculosis patient discovery project in Palawan, Philippines, conducted by the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), resulting in a successful project.​
    • (2016–2021) The Tuberculosis Research Institute implemented the Uganda National Infectious Disease Management Capacity Building Project as part of the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH) initiatives.​
  • Strengthening tuberculosis diagnostic capacity

    • We provided design, construction consulting, and tuberculosis diagnostic technology support for the National Tuberculosis Laboratory in East Timor (KOICA).​
    • (2011–2014) Implemented the tuberculosis eradication project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), introducing molecular diagnostic equipment and conducting capacity-building activities at local tuberculosis testing centers.​
    • (2013–2016) Promoted the East Timor Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Management Capacity Building Project supported by KOICA, establishing a national standard laboratory and providing support in culture and sensitivity testing, equipment operation technology transfer, and laboratory equipment supply, including microscopes, media-related equipment, and Bio-Safety Cabinets.​
    • From 2016 to 2021, the Korea International Health and Medical Foundation conducted a project in Uganda aimed at enhancing national infectious disease management capacity. As part of this initiative, the capacity-building for the Uganda National Tuberculosis Laboratory was carried out by the Tuberculosis Research Institute.
  • Program

    • (2015–2017) Under the commission of the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), we conducted the Lee Jong-wook Fellowship Disease Research (Tuberculosis) Expert Training Program, educating tuberculosis diagnosis personnel from Laos (1), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (1), Cambodia (1), Ghana (2), Myanmar (2), and Uganda (4).​
    • (2018–2020) Annually invited four staff members from the Uganda National Reference Tuberculosis Laboratory to enhance their capabilities in tuberculosis testing and research.​
  • Forum

    • We conduct the Korea-China-Japan Tuberculosis Academic Forum.​

Korea-China-Japan Tuberculosis Academic Forum

The Korea-China-Japan Tuberculosis Academic Forum, held since 2000, brings together experts from tuberculosis-related institutions in Korea, China, and Japan to exchange academic information on tuberculosis. Through mutual cooperation, the forum aims to prevent and eliminate tuberculosis in the three countries. It started in 2000 with China (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and has been held annually in rotation with Korea (Korean Institute of Tuberculosis) and Japan (Research Institute of Tuberculosis). Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the forum has not been held since 2019. However, it is scheduled to resume in 2024, starting with Japan.​

2019년도 결핵학술포럼 단체 기념 사진
